We specialize in 100% authentic Native American goods. For over 75 years, we we have been honored to work directly with the native artists themselves.

Our clientèle includes members of tribes from Northern Canada to Peru and everywhere in between.

With over 28 tribes as our suppliers, there is always something new & wonderful to discover here.

                                             We proudly work with 28 Native American tribes:

Hopi    -    Zuni   -   Uteh   -    Crow   -   Yaqui   -   Tigua   -   Jemez   -   Creek   -   Paiute   -   Ojibwa   -   Navajo   -   Apache   -   Quechu   -   Oaxaca   -   Aymara   -   Lakota   -   Laguna   -   Zapotec   -   Chippewa   -   Shoshone   -   Cheyenne   -   Chocataw   -   Cherokee   -   Mescalero   -   Wampanoag   -   Black Foot   -   Acjachemen   -   Santo Domingo  

Our flagship store is located in beautiful, historic Boulder City, NV. 

Fun fact: Our store was the VERY FIRST building ever constructed in Boulder City!!  It was the train station used to deliver supplies for creating the Hoover Dam


1300 Boulder City Parkway, Boulder City, NV 89005

Store Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
